
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What Does EVSE Charging Port Mean?

An EVSE port provides power to charge one vehicle at a time, even though it may have multiple connectors. The unit that houses EVSE ports is sometimes called a charging port, which can have one or more EVSE ports.

What Does EVSE Mean?

An (EVSE) means Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment.

What Does Kilowatt Hours Mean?

A unit of energy equal to one kilowatt of power sustained for one hour or 3600 kilojoules (3.6 mega joules). It is commonly used as a billing unit for energy delivered to consumers by electric utilities

What Does Electric Vehicle Chargers Kilowatt (kW) Mean?

This is the output power of electric vehicle chargers. It is the common unit used to express
electromagnetic power output. The kilowatt (kW) is equal to one thousand (1000) watts.

What Are Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 Direct Connect Fast Electric Vehicle Chargers?

They are chargers that have the most output ranging from a max of 48kW (level one) to as high as
400kW level 3 with charge times as fast as 15 minutes.

What is an Electric Vehicle Connector?

A connector plugs into an electric vehicle to charge the battery. The best way to think of a connector is
that it performs the same as a gas nozzle that has to be inserted into gas and diesel vehicles tanks.

How Long Do Electric Vehicles Batteries Last?

Consumer Reports estimates the average electric vehicle battery pack’s lifespan is 200,000
miles, equivalent to driving 12,000 miles per year. (See Consumer Reports)

Will My Electric Bill Increase?

The U.S. Department of Energy estimates on average an electric vehicle will cost around $9.00 in
increased electricity cost for every 200 miles driven. That’s only one third of the cost it takes to fill gas
vehicles, plus you financially benefit saving by not having to pay for oil changes and state emissions

What’s Are Electric Vehicles Charging Range?

This will depend on the vehicle, battery size, load, weather and personal driving usage. It’s best to
become familiar with your range before planning long trip. And also have an electric vehicle charging
app installed on your mobile phone to ensure you do not miss any charging opportunities and locations
of available electric vehicle charging stations.

What Are Electric Vehicles Charging Station?

A charging station is a piece of equipment that supplies electric power for charging plug-in electric

Are Electric Vehicle Chargers Safe?

Yes, with UL approvals for all sizes. This means the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) has test
representative sample components of the electric vehicle chargers and determined they meet specific
Electric Vehicle manufacturing requirements.

Stay In Touch

Contact Information:

TINA’S Green Energy Solutions, LLC

Tina M. White, President, CEO and Founder

HUBZONE Address:

1411 West 13th Street, Suite 104-B, Riviera Beach, FL 33404

Phone: 561-323-8637


Email: tina@tinasgreenenergysolutions.com

Website: www.tinasgreenenergysolutions.com



Professional Memberships: Equity in Infrastructure (EIP), BEVI, BOSS, NABWIC, COMTO, MBDA, AMAC

Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Graduate: Florida A&M University (FAMU)


Business Purpose: To serve, pursue excellence and grow profitably.